What Others Say About Us

Note: Our founder Dr. Christopher (The Quantum Empowerment Coach™) is the common topic of these testimonials, since he has been our primary practitioner for decades: serving our clients/students almost exclusively. We have referred out to and partnered with other practitioners and clinics from time to time, but he initiates and oversees all client care for our organization.

Furthermore, they are ordered by category for your convenience. If you read through all the categories, you will notice that a few testimonials fall under, and are therefore included in, multiple categories.

Business Consulting, Coaching, Training & Mentoring:

“Not only is Christopher very bright, industrious and creative, he is also a great listener. He captures not only what you say, but also what you mean. This creates great raport and saves a lot of time and frustration whether you’re planning a marketing campaign, a website, or business development. Christopher is also very articulate and animated, which keeps people involved in training and coaching sessions, whether with one or one hundred.”
Frances Stacey – Executive Vice President of David Stacey International

I have known Christopher Moeller for the past 8 years. (since 2000)
In that time I have had many business dealings with him and I have never been disappointed. I have also been a financial backer in his business, and he has always done as he promised. I plan to continue to back him any way I can.”

She rates our level of expertise as a 9/10 “because no one’s perfect: there’s always room for improvement.”

“I chose Christopher because he’s honest; I trust what he has to say. He has been very good at doing what he said. He has shown that he knows exactly what he’s doing.

He taught me to get things in writing… see that I need help, so I’ve hired other people to help me… increased my services to my customers; which has raised my profits over 50% from last year. It’s given me more free time to do what I need to do with my family and free time to actually take vacations with my kids.”
Susan S – Millionaire CEO, Whole Life (Business and Personal) Coaching & Holistic Therapy Client/Student

“I initially spoke with Christopher on ideas for marketing my business. Christopher very quickly determined that I needed some one else’s expertise on a relevant matter before it would be feasible for us to work together and promptly put me in touch with that person. Christopher saw that I needed to have a solid foundation in place before I could move ahead to the next step. Truly, he has been very professional and attentive in steering me in the right direction.”
Alexi Bracey – Health Educator/Raw Food Chef

“Thank you for your amazing coaching…
I decided to BE a woman of great worth and charm. I have so many beautiful things that are happening. I am focusing on what I want to see happen… I have spent many hours to come to this conclusion. Being empowered and knowing & realizing my own self worth are far more amazing than being a person with battered wife syndrome. I came a long way… Thank you.”
Carolyn Huynh – CEO, Whole Life (Business and Personal) Coaching Client/Student

This next testimonial comes from two emails to Christopher (our head coach, professor and holistic therapist):

HI Christopher!

I hope you are doing great!

I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your newsletter last week! In fact, that Nasa research thing about visualizing success and a great week has really helped me power through stuff that I normally feel overwhelmed by.

Anyway, thought you would enjoy learning how your positive work has helped me!

In great appreciation,

Thanks, Christopher for your nice email! I do not mind if you post my comment at all — I am happy to be of help to your mission.

Somehow reading that little tip in your newsletter shifted my perspective in just the right way. I am now visualizing success and not allowing myself to even think for a minute that I cannot achieve what is set in front of me. It’s been very helpful, and I feel much less stressed out!

Thank you for your positive attitude! It is always such a pleasure communicating with you.

Have a lovely evening,

Testimonial Letter:

Working with Christopher was a true blessing when I really needed someone to listen to
me and to offer a fresh perspective and sage advice for many different areas of my

Christopher is experienced in numerous areas – spiritually, in the business world,
relationships, and has a vast amount of wisdom to help many people from all walks of
life. He is friendly and sincerely caring with a heart of gold and a sincere mission
to help others. Furthermore, let it be said when the truth must be shown to help you
advance along your spiritual path, Christopher is the one to help deliver what you need
to hear in the Divine moment. What a blessing this is!

Christopher also helped my father in the final stages of his terminal illness. There
were numerous occasions on which my father told me he was grateful to have a bright
light like Christopher in his dark and painful moments. Through Christopher’s work in
Reiki and energetic healing, he helped to ease my father’s pain. So much gratitude I
feel towards Christopher for this.

I was truly blessed to have Christopher as my teacher, and will be forever grateful in
the ways he helped my personal, professional, and spiritual development.
Kelly Cotter – CEO, Whole Life (Business and Personal) Coaching & Holistic Therapy Client/Student

Personal Coaching, Training/Mentoring, Holistic Therapy:

Customer Survey Results:

Q: What kind of person is he?
He is a kind carrying young man who would do anything for anybody. He has a good heart which is full of love and kindness.
Q: Has he inspired you, helped you in any way?
He has inspired me and helped me take the right path in life time and time again and has never given up on me when I have given up on myself.
Q: What have you learned from being around him?
I have learned to be myself and not anything else and I also have learned to take care of my self a little bit better.
Q: What does he mean to you?
He means the world to me he is truly a true friend to me and he has my heart (friendship). and I hope we can stay friends forever.
Q: What kind of influence has he had on your life?
He has a lot of influence on my life: he was there for me when i had no one to talk to. He has influenced me to do more with my life then what I was doing and I thank him for that. 
Q: Would you be a different person if you never met him?
I would be the old me who was lonely and depressed all the time and hurting everyone who ever came close to me ’cause I was scared to accept them in to my life and my heart. I would probably be still the same young stupid crazy single lonely girl who lived by her self.. but since he has been in my life I have changed a great deal and still am learning and changing as we speak. Rome was not built in a day, it took time… Just like it’s going to take time for me…
Tina Arietta – One Of Christopher’s Students

Q: What kind of person is he?
[He] is different beyond my understanding and i accept that. as he accepts that i may never want to fully understand things around me. He’s helpful and respectful when offering a helping hand, doesn’t get hurt when sometimes you’re just okay with out it.
Q: Has he inspired you, helped you in any way?
Helped talk me through some hard times before, yes.
Q: What have you learned from being around him?
that there’s more to the world around me than i see
Q: What does he mean to you?
he’s a friend. I listen to him when he needs to vent with no judgments and he does the same.
Q: Would you be a different person if you never met him?
yeah i think things from my past might have unfolded differently and in negative ways in some parts.
Shannon – Another Of Christopher’s Students/a Mentee

Q: What kind of person is he?
“He’s the guy that you can call on for help and see him there in a flash.”
Q: How has he inspired and helped you?

“He’s showed me the door handle to doors that I didn’t even know were there.”
Q: What have you learned from him?

“I have learned that life is worth living and it is all about perspective.”
Q: Would you be a different person if you never met him?

“Yes I would be not nearly as mature as I am now.”
Adam – One Of Christopher’s Students

Q: What kind of person is he?
Honest with his feelings, brutally so at times… But all in all a good person and a great friend.
Q: Has he inspired you, helped you in any way?
Yup, has introduced me to “the secret ” as well as other things that have helped me greatly and have put into words a lot of what I’ve been taught or known my whole life, but did not really see for what it was.
Q: What have you learned from being around him?
See above. Also learning to trust another person again, and to communicate better (part of the trust issue). Learning to voice instincts/insights.
Q: What does he mean to you?
Where do I start or end for that matter, he means a great deal to me, more than I could ever say.
Q: What kind of influence has he had on your life?
Well he’s my “yardstick” by which any potential partner will be judged, he nearly fits the bill for the “yardstick” I had before I met him but I didn’t think it possible to find. So now that I do know it’s possible, a man must be damn near him in most ways. Also see above answers.
Q: Would you be a different person if you never met him?
Yes and no… In that I’d still be me and still be a good person, but not as improved (not quite the right word), and not as happy. I would not be as open to love if I had never met him, and that’d be a sad thing.
Melanie – Another Of Christopher’s Students

Regular Testimonials

“Thank you for your amazing coaching…
I decided to BE a woman of great worth and charm. I have so many beautiful things that are happening. I am focusing on what I want to see happen… I have spent many hours to come to this conclusion. Being empowered and knowing & realizing my own self worth are far more amazing than being a person with battered wife syndrome. I came a long way… Thank you.”
Carolyn Huynh – CEO, Whole Life (Business and Personal) Coaching & Holistic Therapy Client/Student

“When I went to CEO Space I thought that I just needed help starting my business. Little did I know that I needed to work on myself. Thank you for taking the time to help me work through some major blocks. I believe that the process we worked through will help me “get out of my own way”. I am learning to put my ego aside so that the real me can shine through.”

Erica VanDyke
CEO Space Club President,
CEO of Every Mom A Millionaire

“I appreciate you so very much. You are supportive, honest and open with me, you listen and do not be-little my emotions or issues. You bring me much joy and happiness… you are amazing at what you do, you are insightful and caring, most people need simply just that.”
Shaelyn Anne Taylor – Holistic Massage Therapist and Reiki Master Teacher

Working with Christopher was a true blessing when I really needed someone to listen to
me and to offer a fresh perspective and sage advice for many different areas of my

Christopher is experienced in numerous areas – spiritually, in the business world,
relationships, and has a vast amount of wisdom to help many people from all walks of
life. He is friendly and sincerely caring with a heart of gold and a sincere mission
to help others. Furthermore, let it be said when the truth must be shown to help you
advance along your spiritual path, Christopher is the one to help deliver what you need
to hear in the Divine moment. What a blessing this is!

Christopher also helped my father in the final stages of his terminal illness. There
were numerous occasions on which my father told me he was grateful to have a bright
light like Christopher in his dark and painful moments. Through Christopher’s work in
reiki and energetic healing, he helped to ease my father’s pain. So much gratitude I
feel towards Christopher for this.

I was truly blessed to have Christopher as my teacher, and will be forever grateful in
the ways he helped my personal, professional, and spiritual development.
Kelly Cotter – CEO, Whole Life (Business and Personal) Coaching & Holistic Therapy Client/Student

- a conversation between two Holistic Life Coaching/Therapy Clients and long-term students (of many years)

4-20-12 Coaching Session Notes related to the Quantum Programmed Coherence Necklaces Pam purchased for herself and her autistic daughter:

“She forgot to put her necklace on and wasn’t feeling well when she woke up, but recovered quickly after putting it back on! Pain and stiffness in her neck, headache, and other bodily pains all disappeared within a short time of having the necklace on, and she thinks she can sing better too. In her last two practices, her voice has sounded better and felt stronger.

6-18-13 Melissa (her daughter) likes hers and wears it every day all day (putting it on first thing), which is unusual for her
– gets very upset if somethings happens (cord broke) and she can’t wear it, and touches it when she seems to feel uncomfortable
– has noticed things which normally used to upset her don’t.”

Autistic children are often hyper-sensitive to all stimulus, and I have often theorized that this is due (at least in part) to a bio-electrical imbalance in the brain or nervous system. Since I witnessed Coherence Technology (and the energy balancing and interference protection it brings) help/recover a dancer who had been unable to dance for decades (due to imbalance after a car accident), I theorized that it might help; and it certainly seems to have done so! – Notes from Christopher’s sessions with Pamela Youmans

“the tone is excellent, like you’re right there in the room”
“your voice is very soothing”
“my balance is better” Pamela Youmans commenting on her experience with our Energy Therapy Training DVD Program

“Chris – just wanted 2 thank u 4 the Reiki work – noticed improvemt in my arms-hands. TTY2moro – take care” Pamela Youmans

“I am continuing to feel better, and I noticed some improvement from the Reiki during yesterday’s session. Just thought you would like to know. — It is amazing how I could feel the Reiki! It’s not that I thought it wasn’t real, it’s just that I had never really experienced it quite so intensely. Thank you again!” Pamela Youmans

“I wish I had (The Empowered Relationship Development Program™) before I got married, and even before I started dating” Pamela Youmans Holistic Life Coaching/Therapy Client and long-term student (not the first time she has said this)

“When i needed you the most, and i didnt realise this until recently: if it wasnt for [you] finding me in that yahoo chat room, god knows what would have happend to me at the time.” Emma Jennings Holistic Therapy Recipient

When asked how she slept the morning after I had worked on her, she said “Like a baby” and when questioned further, I don’t remember her exact words, but basically she said it had been quite a while since she had slept that well and felt that good.

I specifically remember her saying it was the first morning either her neck or upper back wasn’t in pain. Trinity -Holistic Therapy Recipient (excerpt from Christopher’s case files)

“He gets me… He understands me better than I do myself… You should do what he says too.”

“When we talked the past few years about fear and being selfish I didn’t understand how I was being both. Then I decided to listen one more time to you.

You helped me see that I was doing nothing but living by my fears. So I looked at the people in my life… What I saw I didnt like. I saw where a lot of the fears had started and I put an end to them and to alot of friendships…

I finally get it’s better to be wanted than needed in someone’s life. Real friends want you there… same with love.” Lilly

“Thank you for posting that stuff on death it helped me see things about my mom and dad differently and it helped me let go more. I didnt know I still had a problem there.” – Lily Rose – Holistic Life Coaching/Therapy Clients and long-term student

“What inspires me the most about you is your positive attitude, your willingness to be open, honest, and a stand for humanity. I remember one time last year I was sort of in a funk about things, and as I was out walking a local trail, I could hear you in my mind saying something about the importance of focusing on love and peace. When I was on my computer later that day you had made a post similar to the words I could hear you speak in my mind…it was really neat!” Maureen Cox

“one of my bestest friends, i know i can come to you and you’ll tell me how it is. I have this guy who im interested in, and we r friends but, for me its hard to do the whole dating my friends thing again. I did once and it closed my mind on it, now i should open my mind to it, but maybe you can give me some reasurrince that its not bad, that i wont melt if i open to it lol, you now i can be stuburn, but you always give me good advice and never steer me wrong.” Megan Rosas

“You removed a lot from me… finished opening the door. I am alive, the woman in me is alive or waking up and… I suffered enough it is my time to be happy for the rest of my life… I understand now and feel peaceful about it… thanks you are great!”
Anonymous Industrial Psychologist, Trans-personal Psychotherapist and Hypnotist, Holistic Therapy Recipient

Keep up your good work Chris!!!… I believe u do make a difference… – Dalene Smedley

Testimonial/progress report from Sandipan Datta:
“Things are going pretty good it seems. I am more confident and stopped looking at
the past”

“Thank you Christopher for yesterday’s session.
I am realizing that all my life I have lived for approval and acceptance from others and whenever I didn’t get that I took it personally and that is the root of most problems”
Sandipan Datta
– Researcher at U.C. Davis
Holistic Life Coaching/Therapy Client and long-term student

“Headache hasn’t come back. Thank you for that” Kristen – Holistic Therapy Recipient (She had a migraine for three days, along with a sinus infection. Performed Reiki & Acu-pressure, and headache disappeared for good.)

Christopher Moeller has helped me so much in therapy. Because of him, I can let people get close to me. I don’t have my night terrors anymore, nor do I have as many problems with PTSD as I did, and can diffuse the emotions attached to my terrible traumas.

I highly recommend talking to Mr. Moeller if you want results! As they say, the first step to solving a problem is admitting there is a problem, and Mr. Moeller can help, even if you aren’t entirely sure what the problem is. He can help to identify and diffuse and overall, help to grow. 😀
Mariah Anderson – Holistic Life Coaching/Therapy Client and long-term student

General Service/Character Testimonials:

You’re a very motivated and positive person even in this time of so much adversity… Your behavior is very inspirational.

“Once again, I am deeply moved by your words. I love the way you express yourself and the openness you have about who you are.

You’ve always been one of my favorite people, you have a way about you of making me feel relaxed and more at peace with myself without really even trying. Just being in your presence does it. I think you’re a wonderful person…”
Charmarie Holistic Coaching/Therapy Recipient

Mr Allen (her mother knows Christopher by his middle name from a school phase)
Mom says everything happens for a reason and you told that to me once to but I didn’t understand it. But the other night when I asked if you would answer questions to help me with a report for school and you said no I was bummed because it was due in two days so when I was going home the next day I stopped at the lady who owns the flower shop and she helped me and she is going to give me a summer job. I got an A on my paper too. So I wanted to say Thank you Thank you Thank you for saying no to me. It helped change a lot of bad things to good.

Mom and I are packing stuff so she can move to Oregon Monday but shes taking me to see you later today or Sunday and I got you something to say thanks for helping by not helping. I hope you like it and please don’t be mad at mom for my letter to you she told me not to bother you but I can’t get it out of my head that you would help me this way.

Thank you,
Harly – Daughter of Lily Rose (above), one of our long-term (over a decade) Coaching Students
Christopher was indesposed, but everything happens for a reason, as you can see.

“I feel a deep sense of happiness. Thank you!
And playfulness!
I remember the feelings of wonderment and excitement! My heart feels like it can burst from so much joy.” Stella – Response to a Dreamwalking experiment: taking Stella to Mirkwood forest in Lord Of The Rings when requested to visit a place of lush green plants while she slept.